

Install the library with Composer:

    "require": {
        "myclabs/acl": "*"


You first need to register the annotation mapping to your Doctrine metadata driver. Here is for example how you would do it with the most basic Doctrine configuration:

$paths = [
    // Your model classes
    __DIR__ . '/../src/My/Model',

    // MyCLabs ACL model classes (adjust the directory)
    __DIR__ . '/../vendor/myclabs/acl/src/Model',

// Doctrine configuration
$config = Setup::createConfiguration($isDevMode);
// Myclabs/ACL uses namespaces annotations
$config->setMetadataDriverImpl($config->newDefaultAnnotationDriver($paths, false));
$em = EntityManager::create($dbParams, $config);

Creating the ACL object is simple:

$acl = new ACL($entityManager);

Note that you'll need to define a SecurityIdentity class, usually a user class (you can see an example in the Usage section).

Then, you must separately register some listeners on the entity manager. The ACLSetup class is here to help you:

$aclSetup = new \MyCLabs\ACL\Doctrine\ACLSetup();
// Set which class implements the SecurityIdentityInterface (must be called once)
// Register role classes
$aclSetup->registerRoleClass('My\Model\ArticleEditorRole', 'articleEditor');

// Apply the configuration to the entity manager
$aclSetup->setUpEntityManager($entityManager, function () use ($acl) { return $acl; });

These listeners handle different things, like registering your role and user classes, and registering a listener that will act when new resources/entities are created (to cascade authorizations).

Using a container

You can also use a container to avoid instantiating the ACL uselessly (and avoid a circular dependency):

$aclLocator = function () {
    return $container->get('MyCLabs\ACL\ACL');

$aclSetup->setUpEntityManager($entityManager, $aclLocator);

Cascade delete

To be as efficient as possible, MyCLabs\ACL uses ON DELETE CASCADE at database level.

For example, when a role is removed, all of its authorizations will be deleted in cascade by MySQL/SQLite/… That allows to bypass using Doctrine's "cascade remove" which loads all the entities in memory (there could be thousands of authorizations).

However this means your database must support CASCADE operations. MySQL and PostgreSQL support it, but SQLite usually needs a configuration step:

$entityManager->getConnection()->executeQuery('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON');