Authorization cascading

There are 2 ways to cascade authorizations:

  • via a hierarchy of resource: parent resources cascade their authorizations to sub-resources
  • via a custom cascading strategy (if you have exotic needs)

The first solution is supported out of the box. Example: allowing a user to access a folder and all its sub-folders.

You have 2 solutions to define the hierarchical structure:

  • implementing the CascadingResource interface
  • writing a ResourceGraphTraverser


This is a very simple solution, yet a bit limited, and it crowds your entity a bit.


class Category implements EntityResource, CascadingResource
     * @var Category[] Sub-categories
    private $children;

     * @var Category|null Parent category
    private $parent;

    // ...

    public function getParentResources(EntityManager $entityManager)
        $parents = [ new ClassResource(get_class()) ];

        if ($this->parent !== null) {
            $parents[] = $this->parent;

        return $parents;

    public function getSubResources(EntityManager $entityManager)
        return $this->children->toArray();

Note: if you want to give authorizations on the class-resource "All categories" (new ClassResource('Category')) don't forget to return it in getParentResources() (as shown above). Else you can ignore it.

Just so you know, ClassResource implements the CascadingResource interface:

final class ClassResource implements ResourceInterface, CascadingResource
    // ...

    public function getSubResources(EntityManager $entityManager)
        $repository = $entityManager->getRepository($this->class);

        return $repository->findAll();

Important: with CascadingResource, MyCLabs\ACL will assume each resource only returns its direct children/parent resources. So they will be traversed recursively, which sometimes can be inefficient. Have a look below for an alternative solution.


The ResourceGraphTraverser is an object you write that must return the parent and sub-resources of a resource.

As explained, it must return all the sub/parent resources, which avoids MyCLabs\ACL recursively looking for sub/parent resources.


class FolderResourceGraphTraverser implements ResourceGraphTraverser
    public function getAllParentResources(ResourceInterface $resource)
        if (! $resource instanceof Folder) {
            throw new \RuntimeException;

        $parents = $resource->getAllParentFoldersRecursively();
        $parents[] = new ClassResource(Folder::class);

        return $parents;

    public function getAllSubResources(ResourceInterface $resource)
        if (! $resource instanceof Folder) {
            throw new \RuntimeException;

        return array_merge(

To register it:

$cascadeStrategy = new SimpleCascadeStrategy($entityManager);

$acl = new ACL($em, $cascadeStrategy);